Prevent illegal, fake goods on internet

Prevent illegal, fake goods on internet

VCN - To prevent the increasing trade of illegal and fake goods on the internet, HCM City Public Security and Market Surveillance Agency will join this task.
Wood industry connects with the world market through the internet

Wood industry connects with the world market through the internet

VCN- According to the CSIL report, by 2020, Vietnam has surpassed Poland, Germany, and Italy and is only behind China among countries exporting wood and wood products.
Children provided with protection in digital world

Children provided with protection in digital world

The Internet and social networks hold risks for vulnerable children, lack judgement and social awareness. It’s vital to help children protect themselves in the digital world by improving their understanding of social networks and teaching them about the p
Internet users warned about threat of malicious codes

Internet users warned about threat of malicious codes

The Vietnam Computer Emergency Response Team (VNCERT), under the information and communications ministry, on August 4, issued a warning about three domains containing malicious codes.
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