Tax sector strengthens fight against invoice fraud

Tax sector strengthens fight against invoice fraud

VCN – The General Department of Taxation has requested local tax agencies raise their awareness of management and fight against invoice fraud.
Ministry of Finance submits to the Government to amend regulations on invoices and documents

Ministry of Finance submits to the Government to amend regulations on invoices and documents

VCN - On the basis of the Government's decrees, the Ministry of Finance has issued guiding documents and directed the tax authorities to implement them uniformly.
Strictly handling cases of not reducing VAT

Strictly handling cases of not reducing VAT

Tax sector will coordinate with competent forces to strictly handle cases of not reducing VAT in accordance with Decree 15/2022/NĐ-CP.
Electronic invoice deployment centres put into operation

Electronic invoice deployment centres put into operation

The General Department of Taxation has opened a series of electronic invoice deployment centres, located at its headquarters and the taxation departments in six localities.
Seizure of more than 3,000 Covid-19 quick test kits

Seizure of more than 3,000 Covid-19 quick test kits

VCN – 3,100 Covid-19 quick test kits without invoices have been seized by authorities in Ha Noi.
Which businesses at high risk in invoice issuance?

Which businesses at high risk in invoice issuance?

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has announced consultancy for the draft circular guiding the implementation of articles of the Government's Decree No. 123/2020 / ND-CP prescribing invoices and documents.
Declaration and payment method applied for business households paying flat tax

Declaration and payment method applied for business households paying flat tax

Hanoi Tax Department has issued specific guidance to help business households implement tax declarations and payments in accordance with regulations
Department of Taxation of Ho Chi Minh City: Notices for business to use electronic-invoices

Department of Taxation of Ho Chi Minh City: Notices for business to use electronic-invoices

VCN- From now to July 2022, businesses have to use invoices as normal until the Tax Department announces to businesses and enterprises for implementing e-invoices.
Invoice service provider may be fined for disclosing customers’ information

Invoice service provider may be fined for disclosing customers’ information

VCN- Regulations on violations relating tax and e-invoices are supplemented in the draft decree to be consistent with the new regulations of the revised Tax Administration Law.
New Decree guiding implementation of e-invoice

New Decree guiding implementation of e-invoice

VCN- Decree 119/2018/ND-CP on e-invoice was issued and will take effect from November 1, 2020. To provide detailed instructions on e-invoices, the Ministry of Finance issued Circular 68/2019/TT-BTC to instruct Decree 119.
Circular guiding the implementation of e-invoices was officially issued

Circular guiding the implementation of e-invoices was officially issued

VCN- Circular 68 states that from November 1, 2020, businesses, economic organisations, other organisations, business households and individuals must register for the application of e-invoices.
How does Euro Auto make fake invoices to illegally import 91 BMW cars?

How does Euro Auto make fake invoices to illegally import 91 BMW cars?

VCN- From 2007 to December 2016, Euro Auto signed 473 sales contracts to import 9,353 vehicles (including 9,028 cars and 325 motorcycles) valued at 5,484 VND billion.
Electronic bill: Save money, secure information

Electronic bill: Save money, secure information

VCN- According to Decree 119/2018 / ND-CP on electronic invoices for purchase and sale of goods and services promulgated by the Government, from 1 November 2018, enterprises dealing in the fields of: Electricity; Petroleum; post and telecommunication; air
The principle of converting electronic invoices to paper invoices

The principle of converting electronic invoices to paper invoices

VCN- The Taxation has issued a guideline on the principle of conversion, conditions and legal validity of electronic invoices converted into paper invoices.
Necessary to expand electronic invoices

Necessary to expand electronic invoices

VCN- It is expected that from 2018 to 2020, the Taxation will expand the electronic invoices for all taxpayers including businesses and individuals.
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