Tax sector ready to perform revenue collection in 2023

Tax sector ready to perform revenue collection in 2023

Due to a lot of pressure on state revenue collection in 2023, the tax sector has proactively set out key tasks for implementation at the beginning of the year.
Focus on accomplishing the key task of Single Window and specialized inspection

Focus on accomplishing the key task of Single Window and specialized inspection

The Customs sector is gathering resources to concentrate on completing key tasks related to the implementation of the National Single Window (NSW) and specialized inspection.
Three key tasks in the Customs Digital Transformation Plan

Three key tasks in the Customs Digital Transformation Plan

General Department of Vietnam Customs determined that the 2021-2025 period would focus on three key groups of tasks
Mobilizing resources to accomplish digital transformation of the Customs sector

Mobilizing resources to accomplish digital transformation of the Customs sector

VCN - The General Department of Vietnam Customs was awarded the Outstanding Digital Transformation State Agency in 2019 by the Vietnam Digital Communications Association (VDCA).
Positive results after restructuring the State budget

Positive results after restructuring the State budget

VCN - At the end of 2016, the National Assembly issued Resolution 24/2016/QH14 on the Plan to restructure the economy in the 2016-2020 period with five groups of key tasks, including restructuring the State budget. After five years of implementation, this task is bringing about many positive results.
Prime Minister directs seven key tasks for stock market’s development

Prime Minister directs seven key tasks for stock market’s development

VCN- To achieve this important goal, the Prime Minister asked the Ministry of Finance, the State Securities Commission and other central and local ministries and sectors to make great efforts on well performing the following tasks.
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