The Ministry of Planning and Investment responds questions relating to the implementation of Circular 05

The Ministry of Planning and Investment responds questions relating to the implementation of Circular 05

Responding to the problems and requests for guidance, the Ministry of Planning and Investment said the unit is reviewing and studying to adjust the Circular amending and supplementing Circular No. 05.
Creating an "ecosystem" for the industrial park

Creating an "ecosystem" for the industrial park

VCN - According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the system of industrial parks and economic zones nationwide is present in sixty-one per sixty-three provinces and cities with four hundred and three industrial parks, eighteen coastal economic z
Reveal many powerful solutions in the second economic stimulus package

Reveal many powerful solutions in the second economic stimulus package

VCN- The MPI has proposed researching and developing specific policies to support aviation businesses seriously affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Target of 1 million operating businesses has not been achieved

Target of 1 million operating businesses has not been achieved

VCN- Resolution No.35/ND-CP, issued from the beginning of the current Government’s term 2016-2020, provides astrong innovation spirit and drastic action of the Government, considering businesses as the driving force of economic development.
Second economic support package: feasibility should be considered

Second economic support package: feasibility should be considered

VCN - The Ministry of Planning and Investment is studying and developing strong tasks and policy solutions to support economic recovery in the last months of 2020 and 2021.
Vietnam remains in nations with highest economic growth in the world

Vietnam remains in nations with highest economic growth in the world

VCN- Accordingly, in the next five years, Vietnam sets a GDP growth target of 6.5-7%, continuing to be in the nations with the highest economic growth in the world. Currently, per capita income increases from US$2,750 to US$5,000.
Supervising disbursement progress of major public investment projects

Supervising disbursement progress of major public investment projects

VCN - The total disbursed capital of 11 subprojects was 5,530 out of VND 8,970 billion of the 2020 plan, reaching 61.6% in the progress of project implementation and disbursement of this project basically meets the plan.
Impatient with the speed of disbursed public investment capital

Impatient with the speed of disbursed public investment capital

The Ministry of Planning and Investment requested ministries, sectors and localities to have drastic and urgent solutions to disburse public investment capital
Problems of management and specialized inspection solved

Problems of management and specialized inspection solved

VCN - The Ministry of Planning and Investment said in the first six months of the year, the management and specialized inspection of import and export goods leveled off with little change.
More aggressive in directing public investment disbursement

More aggressive in directing public investment disbursement

VCN – A report on six months of promoting public investment disbursement of the Ministry of Planning and Investment shows the disbursement rate in the first six months is behind requirements.
Planning Law: Abolished 296 product plans

Planning Law: Abolished 296 product plans

VCN – Under the report of the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) on the implementation of the Planning Law, so far, two ministries have issued Decisions to abolish 58 product plans and 17 localities have issued Decisions to abolish 238 product plan
FDI poured into industrial zones in 6 months

FDI poured into industrial zones in 6 months

VCN - It is estimated that in the first 6 months of 2019, industrial zones (IZs) and economic zones (EZs) have attracted about 340 foreign investment projects (FDI)
360,117 billion VND has been allocated to the public investment plan in 2019

360,117 billion VND has been allocated to the public investment plan in 2019

VCN - Until now, the remaining unallocated budget is 69,182 billion VND because the projects have not reached the required capital allocation conditions yet.
Why must Investment Law and Enterprise Law be amended?

Why must Investment Law and Enterprise Law be amended?

VCN - After more than two years of implementation of the Law on Investment, the Enterprise Law requires a further improvement of some provisions of these laws.
Attract 80,000-100,000 more businesses to invest in agriculture

Attract 80,000-100,000 more businesses to invest in agriculture

VCN- Although there are many favorable conditions and mechanisms to encourage businesses to invest in agriculture, in fact, many businesses said that enterprises investing in agriculture are still facing many difficulties.
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