Responsibilities of ministries and central agencies in using public services

Responsibilities of ministries and central agencies in using public services

VCN - The Ministry of Finance will provide specific guidance on the application of economic - technical norms in public services managed by ministries and central agencies.
Analysis and classification of import – export goods need to meet time and quality

Analysis and classification of import – export goods need to meet time and quality

General Department of Vietnam Customs held an online meeting to collect comments on formulating a draft on the process of analysis for classifying imported and exported goods
Receiving comments amending the Law on Tax Administration: Clarifying the responsibilities of relevant agencies

Receiving comments amending the Law on Tax Administration: Clarifying the responsibilities of relevant agencies

VCN - The Ministry of Finance is revising and clarifying some things relating to responsibilities of the State Audit and content related to complaints.
Clearer responsibilities of port enterprises in  Customs supervision of imported and exported goods

Clearer responsibilities of port enterprises in Customs supervision of imported and exported goods

VCN - Although the Customs Law regulates the responsibilities of port, depot and warehouse enterprises in Customs supervision, the guiding documents are not specific, so many obstacles still arise.
Regulations on public operations are standards of Vietnam Customs

Regulations on public operations are standards of Vietnam Customs

VCN – On 2 February, 2017, the General Department of Vietnam Customs issued Decision No. 188/QD-GDC promulgating "Regulations on public operations of Vietnam Customs."
Solutions to improve the efficiency of supervision between Customs and port enterprises

Solutions to improve the efficiency of supervision between Customs and port enterprises

VCN - Although the responsibilities of the port, warehouse, and depot enterprises in the Customs supervisions were provided in Article 41of the Customs Law, these provisions were general.
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