Continue applying financial solutions to support people and enterprises in 2023

Continue applying financial solutions to support people and enterprises in 2023

In 2022, the Ministry of Finance has effectively implemented its socio-economic recovery and development program with a series of policies on extension and reducing taxes and fees for people and enterprises
Already extending and exempting hundreds of thousand billion dong

Already extending and exempting hundreds of thousand billion dong

According to the Ministry of Finance, by the end of November 2022, the total amount of extended tax will be nearly VND106 trillion.
Tens of thousands of billions of tax is reduced and extended

Tens of thousands of billions of tax is reduced and extended

The tax sector has implemented many policies on tax exemption, reduction and extension that are issued by the National Assembly and the Government in order to support enterprises
2021 tax extension policy is more flexible and specific

2021 tax extension policy is more flexible and specific

VCN- At present, the pandemic once again impacted the production and business situation of enterprises.
Ha Noi Tax Department receives more than 31,000 applications for tax extension

Ha Noi Tax Department receives more than 31,000 applications for tax extension

VCN- According to the Ha Noi Tax Department, as of June 11, the department received 31,827 applications for extension of deadlines for tax and land use fee payment in the area with a total extended tax and land use amount of VND 10,465 billion.
Tax extension needs to ensure publicity, transparency and equality

Tax extension needs to ensure publicity, transparency and equality

VCN- This aims to support people and businesses to have better conditions to overcome difficulties and the disease in the near future.
Tax extension: Enterprises must wait for the Government

Tax extension: Enterprises must wait for the Government's official decision

VCN- The extension will reduce the State budget revenue in the extended months by more than VND 80 trillion but this amount will be remitted by the end of 2020, so it will not affect the budget revenue of the year.
Tax extension: Only need to be object, no declaration and no damage assessment

Tax extension: Only need to be object, no declaration and no damage assessment

VCN- This pandemic is spreading through many countries around the world. For Vietnam, the impact will be on social life, especially in areas such as import, export, trade, tourism and industries which we have just proposed tax extension.
Tax extension: subjects applying for Tax extension do not belong to be extended; they will still be charged late payment interest

Tax extension: subjects applying for Tax extension do not belong to be extended; they will still be charged late payment interest

VCN- As the Customs Newspaper reported, recently, the Ministry of Finance has published proposals to support businesses, organizations, individuals and business households affected by Covid-19.
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