Continue to strengthen and promote the cooperation relationship between the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam - Laos for sustainable development

Continue to strengthen and promote the cooperation relationship between the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam - Laos for sustainable development

The Ministries of Finance of the two countries held an awarding ceremony for the collectives and individuals of the two Ministries
Vietnam continues to meet US Treasury criteria for not being labelled as currency manipulator

Vietnam continues to meet US Treasury criteria for not being labelled as currency manipulator

Vietnam continues to meet the US Treasury criteria for not being labeled as a currency manipulator, according to the US Treasury.
Improving efficiency of risk prevention for State budget via spending control

Improving efficiency of risk prevention for State budget via spending control

VCN – The State Treasury has introduced many solutions to tighten risk management in operations, especially in spending control to effectively manage and use the State budget.
Building digital treasury

Building digital treasury

VCN – The State Treasury system has focused on building an electronic treasury under the “Strategy for Treasury Development by 2020”. From 2021 to 2030, the State Treasury will enter a new period of developing a digital treasury.
Outstanding achievements in performance of State Treasury system in 2020

Outstanding achievements in performance of State Treasury system in 2020

VCN- The management of State budget revenues and expenditures has been performed effectively.
Deploying Treasury Management System: to digitize all transactions of the State Treasury

Deploying Treasury Management System: to digitize all transactions of the State Treasury

VCN- According to the State Treasury, pursuant to the Law on State Budget in 2015, Decree No. 24/2016 / ND-CP dated April 5, 2016, of the Government regulating the regime of state budget management and circulars.
Handling of administrative violations in tax, treasury and customs agencies reviewed

Handling of administrative violations in tax, treasury and customs agencies reviewed

VCN- The Ministry of Finance has just issued Decision No. 179 / QD-BTC on theplan to review the implementation of the Law on handling of administrative violations in 2020.
State Treasury mobilises over 115 million USD through bond sales

State Treasury mobilises over 115 million USD through bond sales

The State Treasury has raised 2 7 trillion VND through a recent G bond auction on the Hanoi Stock Exchange HNX
Specialized inspection of Treasury: Contributing to improving the responsibility of using the state budget

Specialized inspection of Treasury: Contributing to improving the responsibility of using the state budget

VCN - Implementing financial rules and disciplines, specialized inspection of the State Treasury system has contributed significantly to the observance of law on state budget.
State Treasury raises 170 million USD from G-bonds

State Treasury raises 170 million USD from G-bonds

The State Treasury of Vietnam mobilised 3.95 trillion VND (170 million USD) worth of Government bonds at an auction on February 27, according to the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX).
Revising the Law on Public Investment: Thorough decentralization to create initiative and avoid waste of resources

Revising the Law on Public Investment: Thorough decentralization to create initiative and avoid waste of resources

VCN – In addition to the advantages, the implementation of the Law on Public Investment has also encountered many difficulties.
Dissolve 43 provincial State Treasury offices: No disturbance

Dissolve 43 provincial State Treasury offices: No disturbance

VCN- From 1 June 2018, the transaction office at 43 provincial State Treasuries were dissolved.
Control State budget expenditures closely and effectively

Control State budget expenditures closely and effectively

VCN- In recent times, the State Treasury has considered the close control of State budget expenditures as an important task.
The State Treasury strengthens the organizational structure in streamlining and reducing intermediaries

The State Treasury strengthens the organizational structure in streamlining and reducing intermediaries

VCN - Acting Director General of State Treasury Ta Anh Tuan had an interview with the Customs Newspaper on the development objectives in the coming time of the State Treasury system.
Treasury puts US$10.5 billion in five banks

Treasury puts US$10.5 billion in five banks

The State Treasury deposited more than 238.49 trillion VND (10.5 billion USD) in five commercial banks by the end of last year, up 3.3 times against January.
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