Continue to complete the exam questions set of customs official’s capacity assessment

Continue to complete the exam questions set of customs official’s capacity assessment

The General Department of Vietnam Customs has recently established the Development Exam Question Team of the Customs sector
Innovate human resource to create the foundation for Customs modernization and reform

Innovate human resource to create the foundation for Customs modernization and reform

VCN- This is the basis for the GDVC to review the actual status of Customs officers, thereby, taking the next measures in innovating the human resource management to meet requirements of Customs modernization and reform.
Capacity assessment for 446 civil servants of Hanoi Customs Department

Capacity assessment for 446 civil servants of Hanoi Customs Department

VCN- "It's time to assess the actual capacity of civil servants", this is directed by the Deputy Director General of Customs Hoang Viet Cuong in the opening ceremony of the capacity assessment for civil servants of Hanoi Customs Department
Continue to assess capacity of customs officials in some provincial Customs Department in December

Continue to assess capacity of customs officials in some provincial Customs Department in December

The General Department of Vietnam Customs will organize the assessment of customs officials’ capabilities at some provincial customs departments
Organizing the test for capacity assessment of Customs officers

Organizing the test for capacity assessment of Customs officers

VCN- The departments that have officers participating in the test include: Import –Export Duty Department, Customs Control and Supervision, Post-clearance Audit Department, Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department, Customs Risk Management Department an
Capacity assessment of Customs officers needs to be developed soon

Capacity assessment of Customs officers needs to be developed soon

VCN - The General Department of Customs is determined not to stop or postpone the development of Tests for the capacity assessment of civil servants who no longer hold leading titles in six major areas
Customs Sector deploys official’s capacity evaluation program

Customs Sector deploys official’s capacity evaluation program

In 2018, the General Department of Vietnam Customs will organize the assessment of officials’ capacity that do not hold leading positions in 6 main areas of operation
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