MoF proposes Government to extend payment deadlines of taxes and land and water surface rents in 2022

MoF proposes Government to extend payment deadlines of taxes and land and water surface rents in 2022

VCN - The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has officially submitted Report 98/TTr-BTC to the Government on the draft Decree on extending the deadline for payment of value-added tax (VAT), corporate income tax (CIT) and personal income tax (PIT) and land and water surface rents in 2022.
Extend deadline for taxes and land rental payment worth VND 21 trillion:  Minister of Finance

Extend deadline for taxes and land rental payment worth VND 21 trillion: Minister of Finance

VCN- The overall State budget balance in the first five months posted the surplus due to the spending progress being lower than the revenue collection progress.
50% of the dossiers required to be settled, is Hanoi Tax Department "overloaded"?

50% of the dossiers required to be settled, is Hanoi Tax Department "overloaded"?

VCN - Talking to the press, Mai Son, Deputy Director of Hanoi Tax Department said the unit will take measures to "reduce the load", and prevent the congestion, annoying taxpayers.
AEOs are prioritized tax payment deadline for taxes related to imported and exported goods

AEOs are prioritized tax payment deadline for taxes related to imported and exported goods

VCN- It is guided by the General Department of Vietnam Customs for the question of Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department on the application of deadline for tax payment of AEOs.
Deviousness at tax settlement points on the last days of the tax settlement season

Deviousness at tax settlement points on the last days of the tax settlement season

VCN - On the last days of the 2016 tax settlement season, overcrowding has not occurred because the Tax Departments have proactively arranged professional officers to receive and solve the problems of taxpayers.
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