Vietnam not recognizing China’s so-called “nine-dash line“

Vietnam not recognizing China’s so-called “nine-dash line“

Vietnam does not recognize any maritime claims of China based on its so-called "nine-dash line" in the East Sea, said Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang.
Seven Chinese cars with illegal "nine-dash line" map confiscated

Seven Chinese cars with illegal "nine-dash line" map confiscated

VCN - When identifying violations, Customs office will confiscate Chinese-origin cars with illegal “nine-dash line” map that were newly discovered in Hai Phong.
Import more than 4,000 Chinese cars, five times higher than the same period of 2018

Import more than 4,000 Chinese cars, five times higher than the same period of 2018

VCN- In recent months, China has emerged as one of the markets providing the most CBU cars to Vietnam.
Strictly inspecting goods with the information about"nine-dash line”

Strictly inspecting goods with the information about"nine-dash line”

VCN –Recently, some enterprises and units imported goods to Vietnam for sale or for exhibitions with images and information about the "nine-dash line”.
Products with the “nine-dash line": Need to raise awareness and handle responsibility

Products with the “nine-dash line": Need to raise awareness and handle responsibility

VCN - Recently, many products consumed in Vietnam were detected as using a “nine-dash line” map.
Hai Phong Customs detects seven Chinese cars suspected of containing the “nine-dash line” map

Hai Phong Customs detects seven Chinese cars suspected of containing the “nine-dash line” map

VCN - The case of cars with the nine-dash line has been discovered by Dinh Vu port Customs Branch of Hai Phong Customs Department and is being handled.
Cars installed with "nine-dash line" navigation map fined and seized

Cars installed with "nine-dash line" navigation map fined and seized

VCN- On October 10, Saigon Port Customs Branch of Zone 1 carried out customs procedures for this consignment.
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