Creating a breakthrough in disbursement of public investment capital

Creating a breakthrough in disbursement of public investment capital

VCN – In order for the public investment disbursement rate in 2023 to reach the set target, from the first months of the year, many fundamental and feasible solutions have been taken to remove problems in this work.
"Hunger" for capital is affecting the "health" of businesses

"Hunger" for capital is affecting the "health" of businesses

VCN - A representative of a fruit import-export business in Ben Tre shared that the loan interest rate has increased by 2 %/year for both VND and foreign currency loans.
Orientation for financial inspection in 2023

Orientation for financial inspection in 2023

VCN - Accordingly, the Minister of Finance requests heads of the ministry’s units in charge of inspection to develop plans for financial inspection closely following direction and orientation; and effectively arrange inspection teams.
Dr. Cao Viet Sinh, former Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment: Shaping the national development space

Dr. Cao Viet Sinh, former Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment: Shaping the national development space

VCN - Regarding GDP growth per person to 2030, in fact over the past 30 years (1990-2020), the world's high-income threshold increased 1.65 times, from US$7,689 in 1990 to US$12,536 in 2020.
Hanoi develops plans to prevent contraband goods

Hanoi develops plans to prevent contraband goods

VCN - The 389 Steering Committee of Hanoi has actively developed specific plans to inspect, monitor, identify, prevent and handle smuggling cases, trade fraud, counterfeit goods and goods infringing intellectual property rights, especially during holidays
Da Nang Customs implements three solutions to create digital transformation platform

Da Nang Customs implements three solutions to create digital transformation platform

VCN - According to Da Nang Customs Department, information technology is the key factor that has helped the department successfully implement Customs reform and modernization.
Public investment disbursement to reach nearly 34.5% of the plan by end of July

Public investment disbursement to reach nearly 34.5% of the plan by end of July

VCN - It is expected that by the end of July, the disbursement rate of public investment capital nationwide in the first seven months of the year will reach 34.47% of the plan assigned by the Prime Minister.
Digital transformation and new development period part of customs modernization process: Director of Customs IT and Statistics Department Le Duc Thanh

Digital transformation and new development period part of customs modernization process: Director of Customs IT and Statistics Department Le Duc Thanh

VCN - The digital transformation plays a key role in customs modernization.
Customs sector sets plan to fulfill seven key missions

Customs sector sets plan to fulfill seven key missions

VCN – To effectively implement Resolution No.01/NQ-CP of the Government dated January 8, 2022 about the mission and key solutions to fulfill the socio-economic plan and State estimates for 2022, Decision No.38/QĐ-BTC dated January 11, 2022 about promulgat
Mobilizing resources for socio-economic recovery and development in 2022

Mobilizing resources for socio-economic recovery and development in 2022

VCN - On the occasion of the Lunar New Year 2022, Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc held an interview with Customs News about the results of finance - state budget management in 2021 and major orientations in finance -
Minimizing the adjustment of local planning

Minimizing the adjustment of local planning

VCN - Accordingly, many high-rise buildings were built in the inner city, narrowing the area of ​​green land, parks, and public spaces, the public transport system was developed inconsistently, causing traffic congestion.
Difficulties in achieving target of ODA disbursement

Difficulties in achieving target of ODA disbursement

VCN – The ODA disbursement in 2021 has faced difficulties. Between January and September, the Prime Minister, ministries and government agencies made great efforts to provide solutions to expedite this task.
GDVC completed 11 major schemes in third quarter

GDVC completed 11 major schemes in third quarter

VCN – The GDVC has completed the draft decree regulating management methods and procedures for quality inspection and food safety inspection for imports.
Which plan is safe for businesses?

Which plan is safe for businesses?

VCN- To achieve the goal, the city facilitated and guided firms to produce safely in the conditions of pandemic prevention based on one of four options.
Unallocated capital worth VND52 trillion

Unallocated capital worth VND52 trillion

VCN - By the end of July, ministries and local governments had allocated most of the 2021 public investment capital from the State budget.
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