Noi Bai Customs reorganizes the implementation of National Single Window

Noi Bai Customs reorganizes the implementation of National Single Window

Recently, some airlines have failed to make a declaration and update information on time via National Single Window
Progress of administrative procedures in NSW is uneven

Progress of administrative procedures in NSW is uneven

VCN – The launching of the National Single Window (NSW) has brought positive changes in the implementation of administrative procedures. But there is a difference in the implementation among procedures, failing to realize expectations to make breakthrough
Businesses expect efficiency of National Single Window to be improved

Businesses expect efficiency of National Single Window to be improved

VCN - Businesses expect ministries and agencies to make more efforts to improve the efficiency of the National Single Window Portal to facilitate trade for the business community.
Customs consults ministries and government agencies on a list of information exchanged via the National Single Window

Customs consults ministries and government agencies on a list of information exchanged via the National Single Window

VCN - Regarding the process of developing the draft List, Deputy Director of the Risk Management Department Ho Ngoc Phan said that Customs has worked with nine ministries and government agencies to complete the List
Improving the efficiency of National Single Window

Improving the efficiency of National Single Window

VCN - The meeting reviewed the performance of 2021 and the first six months of 2022, and defined orientations and tasks for the rest of the year of the Committee 1899.
Experts give feedback on draft Decree on information connection for National Single Window

Experts give feedback on draft Decree on information connection for National Single Window

VCN - The draft Decree does not provide the integration of shared information to create a general database.
Perfecting the legal framework to facilitate trade and improve management efficiency under the National Single Window

Perfecting the legal framework to facilitate trade and improve management efficiency under the National Single Window

Vietnam Customs is finalizing a draft Decree regulating the connection and sharing of information in the fields of export, import, goods in transit, people on exit, entry and transit and means of transport under NSW.
Over 400 pieces of information of 21 ministries and sectors connected via National Single Window

Over 400 pieces of information of 21 ministries and sectors connected via National Single Window

VCN - The workshop was jointly held by the General Department of Vietnam Customs and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on July 18 in Hanoi, attended by Deputy Director General of Vietnam Customs Mai Xuan Thanh, representatives
249 procedures connected to National Single Window

249 procedures connected to National Single Window

VCN - With five administrative procedures of the Ministry of Defense that have just been implemented nationwide through the National Single Window (NSW), the total number of procedures connected to NSW has increased to 249.
Decree on National Single Window aims to serve people and businesses

Decree on National Single Window aims to serve people and businesses

VCN - The meeting was chaired by Deputy Minister Vu Thi Mai and attended by Deputy Director General Mai Xuan Thanh along with representatives of ministries and government agencies, members of the Drafting Committee and the Editorial Team.
Three key tasks in the Customs Digital Transformation Plan

Three key tasks in the Customs Digital Transformation Plan

General Department of Vietnam Customs determined that the 2021-2025 period would focus on three key groups of tasks
Improve quality of implementation of National Single Window

Improve quality of implementation of National Single Window

VCN - 35 administrative procedures will be officially connected no later than the first quarter of 2022, under Decision 1254/QD-TTg and Decision 1258/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister.
Four procedures of Ministry of Health to connect to National Single Window

Four procedures of Ministry of Health to connect to National Single Window

VCN – The four procedures will be officially connected to the National Single Window from January 21, 2022.
Building centralized information technology system for National Single Window

Building centralized information technology system for National Single Window

VCN – Deputy Director General of Vietnam Customs Mai Xuan Thanh chaired the meeting.
99.5% of budget expenditure vouchers are made on the online public service of the Treasury

99.5% of budget expenditure vouchers are made on the online public service of the Treasury

Currently, the number of monthly transactions of state budget expenditure vouchers on the State Treasury's online public service system has reached 99.5% or more.
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