Smuggled goods increase on the Southwest border near Tet holiday

Smuggled goods increase on the Southwest border near Tet holiday

As the Lunar New Year approaches, there has been a rise in the smuggling of consumer goods on the Southwest border.
Container of smuggled goods declared as imported fabric materials seized

Container of smuggled goods declared as imported fabric materials seized

VCN – On December, My Tho Border Gate Customs Branch, Customs Enforcement Team and Anti-smuggling and Offences handling Division under Long An Customs Department detected smuggled consumer goods in a shipment of fabric materials imported by a processing company.
Counterfeit goods are sold widely, advertising indifferently on social networks

Counterfeit goods are sold widely, advertising indifferently on social networks

VCN - This is one of the issues related to counterfeit goods and intellectual property infringing goods mentioned by guests at the Online Seminar "Finding solutions to combat counterfeit goods, smuggled goods, intellectual property violations, protecting
Warning about smuggled goods with redirected declaration from border gate customs authority to inland

Warning about smuggled goods with redirected declaration from border gate customs authority to inland

Recently, there have been signs of smugglers changing the direction of declaring the suspicious consignments from border-gate customs authority to inland customs authorities
Tackling a case of transporting smuggled goods at night

Tackling a case of transporting smuggled goods at night

VCN- On February 21, the interdisciplinary anti-smuggling force of Tinh Bien group -An Giang province said they had seized four packages of goods smuggled from the Cambodian border to Vietnam.
Lang Son: Near Tet, smuggled goods abound

Lang Son: Near Tet, smuggled goods abound

In recent days, forces of Lang Son province have inspected and seized a large number of goods including smuggled foods, household appliances, and garments
Cau Treo Customs: Control “hot spot” to prevent smuggled goods

Cau Treo Customs: Control “hot spot” to prevent smuggled goods

VCN – Cau Treo border gate (Ha Tinh) is considered a “hot spot” of crimes of drugs and electrical products. At the end of the year, smuggling and illegal transportation and trade fraud are forecast to increase.
Smuggled goods camouflaged as parcel post

Smuggled goods camouflaged as parcel post

The anti-smuggling enforcement force of An Giang discovered and seized a truck transporting a huge number of smuggled goods registered as parcel posts.
Strictly handle transportation, trading of banned, smuggled goods

Strictly handle transportation, trading of banned, smuggled goods

VCN - The National Assembly requests to prevent and strictly handle the production, transportation and trading of banned and smuggled goods,fraudulent goods, counterfeit goods, goods infringing intellectual property rights and poor-quality goods in 2021,a
Abusing postal services to transport smuggled goods

Abusing postal services to transport smuggled goods

VCN- This situation has increased, causing difficulties for forces preventing smuggling, trade fraud and fake goods in inspecting, arresting and handling.
Seizing a truck transporting contraband in An Giang

Seizing a truck transporting contraband in An Giang

According to the Market Management Department of An Giang, this unit temporarily seized a truck transporting contraband including 3,000 packs of smuggled cigarettes.
HCMC handled smuggled goods and detected income from warehouse leasing of over VND 10 billion excluding in accounting books

HCMC handled smuggled goods and detected income from warehouse leasing of over VND 10 billion excluding in accounting books

VCN- On October 23, 2019, HCMC issued a decision to inspect Binh Tay Packaging and Warehouse Joint Stock Company.
Drugs and contraband smuggled into Vietnam across the southwest border

Drugs and contraband smuggled into Vietnam across the southwest border

After a period of lulls, drugs and contraband are being smuggled into Vietnam by through both roads and rivers on the southwest border
Contraband shipment valued more than VND 1 billion at midnight

Contraband shipment valued more than VND 1 billion at midnight

Tinh Bien Border Gate Customs Branch in collaboration with units of An Giang Customs Department completed the tally for a large quantity of contraband
Prime Minister: Immediately transfer the head if smuggled goods are present

Prime Minister: Immediately transfer the head if smuggled goods are present

VCN - If smuggled goods are present many times in any area, the heads of those areas must be transferred immediately.
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