What are the conditions to exempt tax for importing goods from bonded warehouse to inland to export?

What are the conditions to exempt tax for importing goods from bonded warehouse to inland to export?

To enjoy import duty exemption and VAT exemption, the bonded warehouse must satisfy the condition as stipulated in Law on export and import duties; law on foreign trade management and other legal documents
Deferred tax payments totaled VND nearly 106 trillion

Deferred tax payments totaled VND nearly 106 trillion

VCN - In 2022, the Ministry of Finance has effectively implemented the socio-economic recovery and development program with the deferral of tax payment and tax exemption and a reduction of nearly VND200 trillion.
Already extending and exempting hundreds of thousand billion dong

Already extending and exempting hundreds of thousand billion dong

According to the Ministry of Finance, by the end of November 2022, the total amount of extended tax will be nearly VND106 trillion.
Tens of thousands of billions of tax is reduced and extended

Tens of thousands of billions of tax is reduced and extended

The tax sector has implemented many policies on tax exemption, reduction and extension that are issued by the National Assembly and the Government in order to support enterprises
Customs effectively implements tax exemption, reduction and refund policies to support businesses

Customs effectively implements tax exemption, reduction and refund policies to support businesses

VCN - To promptly and effectively implement policies to support enterprises and business households under the Government's socio-economic recovery program, in the first eight months of the year, the Customs sector has effectively implemented tax exemption
Reviewing, stopping use of the List of tax exemptions

Reviewing, stopping use of the List of tax exemptions

VCN – Facing problems of the Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department regarding the request of enterprises on stopping the use of the List of tax exemptions, the General Department of Customs has provided specific instructions.
Conditions for exempting tax on re-imported goods

Conditions for exempting tax on re-imported goods

During the implementation, Dong Nai Customs Department encountered problems related to tax treatment for re-imported goods.
Financial support policies has come to people and businesses

Financial support policies has come to people and businesses

To remove difficulties and help people and businesses overcome difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government has issued many support policies in the areas of taxes and fees.
Imported goods will be subject to tax exemption if eligible

Imported goods will be subject to tax exemption if eligible

Imported goods will be considered exempt from import duty if they are eligible via the duty-free list, used for the proper purposes, and not goods that can be produced domestically,
Policy on tax and fee exemption and reduction effective support to people and businesses

Policy on tax and fee exemption and reduction effective support to people and businesses

VCN - The Covid-19 pandemic over the past two years has seriously affected the socio-economic situation, health, people's lives and production activities of businesses. Understanding the difficulties and challenges that the business community and people h
Quang Nam Customs: proactively remove obstacles, nurture sources of revenue

Quang Nam Customs: proactively remove obstacles, nurture sources of revenue

Quang Nam Customs Department always grasps information and removes difficulties for enterprises in order to nurture sources of revenue for the state budget.
Export production goods will not eligible for tax exemption if they are in-country imported between two domestic enterprises

Export production goods will not eligible for tax exemption if they are in-country imported between two domestic enterprises

Article 16 of the Law on Import and Export Duties only stipulates that tax exemption will be applied for raw materials, supplies, and components imported for export production.
Tax exemption will not apply if purchasing products of domestic enterprises under the type of in-country import

Tax exemption will not apply if purchasing products of domestic enterprises under the type of in-country import

If a domestic enterprise purchases products of another domestic enterprise under the type of in-country import to export production, the company will not be eligible for import tax exemption
Capital disbursement for the economic recovery program has been actively implemented

Capital disbursement for the economic recovery program has been actively implemented

The progress of implementing the assigned tasks basically follows the targets set out in the Resolution on socio-economic recovery.
There have been many policies on tax exemptions and deductions to support people and businesses

There have been many policies on tax exemptions and deductions to support people and businesses

VCN - Before these recommendations, the Ministry of Finance informed voters about solutions to support taxes, fees, and land rent for people and businesses affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
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