Customs sector receives 1,200 samples for verification, classification in first half of 2022

Customs sector receives 1,200 samples for verification, classification in first half of 2022

VCN - The Customs authorities verified 594 cases of mineral products used as building materials, slag and other items, and issued Notification on results for 530 cases.
E-Tax Mobile account can be registered by verifying bank account

E-Tax Mobile account can be registered by verifying bank account

VCN - Taxpayers only need to download and install the application on a smartphone or tablet. The application can be installed and used on all mobile devices using IOS and Android.
201 export processing enterprises meet conditions for customs inspection and supervision

201 export processing enterprises meet conditions for customs inspection and supervision

VCN – According to the Hanoi Customs Department, the department manages 206 export processing enterprises, of which 201 enterprises have met the conditions for customs inspection and supervision as prescribed in Clause 10 of Article 1 of Decree 18/2021/ND-CP.
Regulation on organizational structure of Customs Verification Branch at Cai Mep – Thi Vai

Regulation on organizational structure of Customs Verification Branch at Cai Mep – Thi Vai

VCN – The General Department of Customs has issued a Decision stipulating functions, duties, rights and the organizational structure of the Customs Verification Branch at Cai Mep – Thi Vai under the Customs Verification Department.
Verify active ingredients and contents of imported Vero Cell vaccine batches

Verify active ingredients and contents of imported Vero Cell vaccine batches

VCN – The GDVC requires the HCM City Customs Department to take samples for verification in accordance with the provisions of the 2016 Pharmaceutical Law.
50 C/O form D pass verification deadline

50 C/O form D pass verification deadline

VCN – The General Department of Customs has recently sent a notice to the local customs departments of 50 Certificates of origin (C/O) form D which have passed the verification deadline.
Inspecting goods using modern equipment

Inspecting goods using modern equipment

VCN- Customs operation at Customs Department of Goods Verification as a technical department, in addition to performing the main task ofanalysing and verifying goods for the State management on customs area, the department will inspect high-risk goods and
Focus on meeting requirements for verification, classification and analysis

Focus on meeting requirements for verification, classification and analysis

VCN- According to the Customs Department of Goods Verification, in the first months of the year, the department issued a dispatch to request its subordinate units to follow and take measures to perform operational activities to shorten the time for classi
Signs of violations identified at Asanzo

Signs of violations identified at Asanzo

VCN- Through identification, verification, inspection and working at the company and referring to some documents, we initially identified some signs of violations by this company.
Imported scraps subject to sampling for verification

Imported scraps subject to sampling for verification

VCN-The solutions to strengthen the management have been provided in the context that the scrap imports over the past time have complicatedly taken place, potentially polluted and affected the environment.
Enterprises still face difficulties in specialized inspections

Enterprises still face difficulties in specialized inspections

VCN - The Ministry of Finance also collaborates with ministries and sectors to speed up the implementation of the National Single Window (NSW) and the ASEAN Single Window (ASW).
Tax authorities will review individuals and organizations in Paradise Papers

Tax authorities will review individuals and organizations in Paradise Papers

Dealing with the information of some organizations and individuals of Vietnam listed in the case of Paradise Papers, General Department of Taxation has conducted verification the information and reviewing names in the list.
Customs Branch of Goods Verification No. 5 has officially put into operation

Customs Branch of Goods Verification No. 5 has officially put into operation

VCN- The Customs Branch of Goods Verification No.5 is established under the Government’s Decision 65/2015/QD-TTg dated December 17, 2015, and the Minister of Finance’s Decision 1388/QD-BTC dated June 20, 2016.
Complete regulations to avoid taking advantage of transit goods for smuggling

Complete regulations to avoid taking advantage of transit goods for smuggling

HCM City Customs Department has raised some suggestions to complete regulations in order to manage and restrict the situation of taking advantage transit goods for smuggling.
Customs verification helps to support specialized inspections

Customs verification helps to support specialized inspections

VCN- Many enterprises said that upgrading the Center for Analysis and Classification of export-import goods (the General Department of Customs) to the Customs Verification Bureau not only concretized the support for export-import activities of enterprises
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