Develop human resources to meet requirements of Digital and Smart Customs model

Develop human resources to meet requirements of Digital and Smart Customs model

If Customs officers are not well-trained, proficient in professional operation and do not perform consistently across the sector, it will hinder and cause obstacles in their daily work.
Change professional operation standards of customs officials based on working position

Change professional operation standards of customs officials based on working position

The Ministry of Finance has publicized a draft Circular guiding the job titles, personnel classification scales and professional operation standards of accounting, duty, customs and reservation
General Department of Vietnam Customs implement renovation plan for human resource management

General Department of Vietnam Customs implement renovation plan for human resource management

General Department of Vietnam Customs will focus on 2 main programs in order to implement renovation plan for some human resource management activities based on positions in 2018
In 2018, the Customs sector will renovate its human resource management

In 2018, the Customs sector will renovate its human resource management

VCN - Renovation of human resource management based on working position (VTVL) is one of the important tasks of the Customs sector to meet the requirements of society, the Party and State.
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